CalDAV-Sync account settings
Server settings
Update password
Update the password stored by CalDAV-Sync (you need it when you change the password on the server).
Select calendars to sync
Use this setting if you want to change the selected calendars or you created new calendars on the server that you want to sync.
Advanced options
Use preemptive authentication
Enables preemptive authentication. Preemptive authentication causes the app to send BASIC authentication headers with every request. If your server accepts BASIC authenitcation this will reduce the number of round-trips and sync much faster (especially on SSL). Some servers did not like this during my tests, so I didn't enable it by default. Please note, this will send you password unencrypted over the wire (if you don't use SSL), even if your server does not accept BASIC authentication. With SSL this option should be safe to use.
Fake user-agent
This option changes the user-agent this app uses. If you were able to setup the account without this option, then you don't need it.
Sync direction
This option disables Two-Way-Sync. Only server modifications are considered during sync, modifications on the phone don't get synced to the server.
Sync interval
Periodic auto sync
This enables an automatic sync on a regular base.
Sync interval
Sets the time between two automatic syncs.
Enable long term sync
Enables long term sync. In contrast to a regular sync long term sync allows to sync larger time ranges. To prevent unnecessary traffic this will be done on larger intervals.
Long term sync interval
Sets the time between two automatic long term syncs.
Date service settings
These options allow to specify on which connection types the app may sync. The app checks the connection type on each sync and won't sync if the current connection is not enabled here.
Global settings
Enable bug reports
This option enables bug reports during sync. If there is any error it will show a notification with an option to send a bug report. Please do not enable this option unless you feel that the app does not sync correctly. Error conditions may happen for many reasons and not all of them are bugs actually (for example if the app can not sync due to bad connectivity). Please consider reading the article about errors and possible reasons to see what might have caused a certain error report (not all reports may be caused by bugs in my app, they may be caused by server bugs as well).
Report connection errors
This option enables the reporting of connectivity issues. It is meant to debug connectivity issues. Connection errors are not considered to be bugs in CalDAV-Sync! Please do not send bug reports about connectivity issues if they occur occasionally. Connection issue may be caused by bad data connections or if you just changed your network type (e.g. wifi to 3G) and the connection was not completely up when Android triggered a sync. Answering reports about occasional connectivity issues takes a lot of time, time that I could spend in developing new features! You should not enable this option if everything is fine.