Synology DiscStation
Synology is a manufacutrer of NAS devices. Newer firmware releases support CalDAV - in a way (see below).
CalDAV-Sync has been reported to work well with Syncology DiskStations that support CalDAV. But please be aware of the known issue below!
Please refer to the manual/configuration of your DiskStation for the correct path name. In general it should be sufficient to enter the path to your CalDAV root.
known issues
There is a bug in Synology's CalDAV server. CalDAV-Sync uses calendar-query to get all events in the configured sync-window from the server. However, if there are no events in the sync-window the Synology firmware responds with an error "404 Not Found" instead of an empty list. This error will cause CalDAV-sync to cancel the synchronization. The only known workarounds at this time are to configure a larger sync-range in CalDAV-Sync's settings and/or to ensure there you always have at least one event in this range (you have to create them using another client that doesn't use calendar-query).
One user has reported that his events disappear and later reappear.