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Revision as of 14:11, 28 March 2013

Est-ce que CalDav-sync est un logiciel open source?

Actuellement non mais il est prévu de le rendre open source une fois qu'il sera en version 1.0.

Mise à jour: Certains partie sont déjà open source. Cf open source status pour les détails.

Pourquoi ne pas le rendre open source tout de suite?

Parce que cela n'est pas encore prêt. Certaines partie du code source sont plutôt bordeliques, cela serait embarrassant pour moi de les publier ;-)

Comment configurer CalDAV-Sync pour ...

Veuillez vous reporter à la liste des serveurs supportés et choisissez votre serveur/service pour voir les instructions de configuration.

Cela ne synchronise pas! Que puis-je faire?

Veuillez tout d'abord vous reporter à la liste des serveurs supportés. Autrement, veuillez lire "How to report bugs" et envoyez moi un rapport de bug.

Mes comptes disparaissent quand je redémarre mon téléphone!

Vous avez probablement déplacé l'application sur la carte SD. Android charge tous les pilotes de synchronisation pendant le démarrage. Si un pilote de synchronisation n'est pas disponible, une fonction de "nettoyage" déclenchée. Cette fonction est importante puisqu'elle permet de supprimer les comptes inutilisés lorsque vous désinstallez un pilote de synchronisation. Si vous déplacez l'application sur la carte SD, il se peut qu'elle ne soit pas disponible au moment de la vérification des comptes (la carte SD pouvant n'être rendue disponible que bien plus tard dans le processus de démarrage de l'appareil) et votre compte sera alors supprimé. Ainsi le correctif est le suivant: Redéplacez l'application sur le téléphone.

Only One-Way-Sync seems to work, why didn't it sync the new events to my server?

Please ensure that you choose the right calendar in your Calendar App. When you create the event, there is a calendar selection field that may default to your internal or Google calendar (see Calendar selection fields). CalDAV-Sync won't sync events in your Google calendar. You can disable the other calendars in your calendar app, so they won't show up in that list (though, I've heard of a few phones still showing disabled/hidden calendars :-|).

My calendar app always defaults to my Google (or some other) calendar, how can I make my CalDAV/SmoothSync calendar default?

This is a front-end issue. If your calendar app does not have default calendar option try the free app aCalendar. This is a very good and free replacement for your stock calendar app and it features an option to set a default calendar.

What do all those account settings mean

Please have a look at CalDAV-Sync settings for brief explanation of CalDAV-Sync's settings.

I've a new self-signed certificate, how can I get the app to accept it without recreating the account

Just open the account settings and go to "Update password", then enter your password and proceed. The app will ask you if you accept the new certificate.

Can CalDAV-Sync sync tasks/todos?

Unfortunately, Android does not support tasks natively. So, to sync tasks I have to find or develop a suitable task app. I've already checked several options and work is in progress.

Does CalDAV-Sync support auto-provisioning? How does it work?

Please see auto-provisioning for an explanation of this feature.

My Motorola device does not sync automatically, I always have to sync manually

An user reported this is due to a default setting on some Motorola devices. Please see https://forums.motorola.com/posts/d276744989 for the solution.

Why is the open source release taking so long? Just push your code to github and you're done!

Unfortunately it's not that easy. I don't want to release any code that doesn't meet my own quality standards. I'm an independent developer and I don't want my customers to see that mess.

All I know about CalDAV, CardDAV, iCalendar, vCard and Android I learned during the development of these apps. This means the architecture is not always "optimal". Also there is a lot of dead or commented out code and workarounds. There's not much (up-to-date) documentation in my code and even less unit tests. Definitely not the code I want to make public.

Currently I'm rewriting large parts of my code. All the new parts become open source as soon as they become usable, well documented and at least for the most important parts there are some unit tests (see Open source status). However, that is a lot of work and takes much time. Speaking about time: On an average day I get about 20-30 emails. All kinds of requests and bug/error reports. Many of those mails take a few minutes to think about, investigate and respond. As you can guess that slows down development. Beside the open source release I still have to spend some time for tests, new features and bug fixes (although the app works well for most users, there are still several issues to fix for others).